
Metric – The most founder friendly finance app in the world!

إطلاق ميزة الدفعات الجزئية

Do you struggle with tracking partial payments from clients? Are you tired of the headaches caused by untimely payments and the hassle of keeping track of upcoming deposits? We know the feeling. Late, delayed, or partial payments can be a real headache, especially when you’re trying to keep your records organised. And let’s be honest here, Businesses hardly go as planned and payments are often not made on time when dealing with a wide range of diverse clients. But what if we told you that you can wave goodbye to all that stress with an all-new partial payment feature on Metric? 

Experience a new level of simplicity and ease in managing your payments. Metric is here to revolutionise the way you do business and make accounting a breeze. No more queries about how to record partial payments or keep track of upcoming deposits. With this update, you can now mark payments as fully or partially paid with just a few clicks.

How to add partial payments to your Metric account? 

Adding partial payments to your Metric account has never been easier. Simply insert the income details and mark the payments as required. If a payment is received partially, simply enter the amount received, mark it as partially paid and don’t worry about messing up your records. Once the full payment is received, add the remaining amount in the activity screen and set your records straight. 

How helpful is this partial payment update? 

  • On-the-spot and instantaneous 

The beauty of the partial payment feature on Metric lies in its convenience and accessibility. No more waiting to be at your desk to update your payments. With the on-the-spot and instantaneous nature of this feature, you have the freedom to manage your payments whether they’re partial or full, with just a few clicks, from anywhere, at any time. No more waiting until you’re back in the office to update your records, Metric has got you covered. 

  • Up-to-date payment status

With the Metric’s partial payment feature, you can rest assured that your payments will always be up-to-date. Say goodbye to the worries of missing out on payments, forgetting to update your records, or mismanaging your finances. Metric helps you keep track of everything, giving you peace of mind and making your business dealings effortless. You’ll have a clear and organized overview of all your payments, allowing you to stay on top of your finances and making sure nothing falls through the cracks. 

Say goodbye to the headaches of partial payment tracking and hello to effortless and flexible payment management! Upgrade your business dealings today!