
Metric – The most founder friendly finance app in the world!


إطلاق ميزة هدف النمو: رفع طموحات أعمالكم بسهولة!

As the famous saying goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” This sage advice rings true for your business as well. Setting clear, achievable goals and continuously tracking your progress towards them can be the key to your success. Imagine having a growth target that you review daily, with each step of […]

إطلاق ميزة هدف النمو: رفع طموحات أعمالكم بسهولة! Read More »

إطلاق ميزة المعاملات المتكررة: تبسيط دفعاتكم الشهرية

A significant chunk of the start of each month is consumed by the repetition of similar financial tasks. Whether it’s rent, salaries, investment dividends, or various service subscriptions, these regular transactions tend to monopolize your valuable time. But imagine the relief of automated monthly deposits, seamlessly integrated into your business journey. Once again, Metric is

إطلاق ميزة المعاملات المتكررة: تبسيط دفعاتكم الشهرية Read More »

8 طرق فعالة لتقليل تكاليف الأعباء العلوية

Your overhead costs are parasites eating up your business little by little if not kept in check. Those forgotten subscriptions, unnecessarily high rents, inefficient employees, and internet charges leak all your revenue without you even realizing it. You certainly need to spend money to earn money, but you can avoid these pitfalls that hamper your

8 طرق فعالة لتقليل تكاليف الأعباء العلوية Read More »